Apple Crisp

I realized it’s been a minute and a half since I last made an apple crisp.  And since we’re getting to springtime here, it seems like the perfect time to do it.

One thing about my apple crisp – often (usually) apple crisp is made using oats for the crust, but I not an enormous fan of rolled oats.  It’s fine in oatmeal cookies, but those aren’t my favorite either.  So…enjoy this one using a flour topping rather than an oat one!

By the way, this one is super messy.  But in this case, messy is tasty – just be prepared for sticky hands!


  • 10 cups of cubed apples (Using 7-8 apples should get you there. I used a mixture of Golden Delicious, Honeycrisp and Envy.)
  • 1 ½ cups dark brown sugar, separated
  • 1 ½ cups sugar, separated
  • 2 t vanilla
  • 2/3 cup butter
  • 2 cups flour
  • 2 t baking powder
  • ½ t salt
  • 1 ¼ t cinnamon
  • 2 eggs, brought to room temperature


Peel and cube your apples so that you get 10 cups of cubed apples.  This will be, by far, the most tedious part of this recipe.

Put your cubed apples into a bowl and add ¾ cup of the brown sugar and ¾ cup of the regular sugar and stir.  After you’ve gotten the sugars evenly distributed, add in the vanilla and stir again until everything is well combined.

Butter and flour or spray a 13” x 9” baking pan and evenly spread out the apples.  Set this aside.IMG_9286

In a separate bowl, melt the butter then add flour, the remaining ¾ cups of the brown and regular sugars, the baking powder, salt, cinnamon and eggs.  Mix until everything is well combined and spread this mixture evenly over your apples.IMG_9287IMG_9289

Bake at 350 for about 40 minutes or until the top is a nice golden brown.  Remove the pan from the oven and move to a wire rack to cool. IMG_9290

You can eat this cold (cover with foil and refrigerate it if you don’t eat it all in one sitting).  Or, you can eat it while it’s still warm.  And if you added vanilla ice cream (or cinnamon ice cream!) on top, you won’t be sorry!


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